
Sunday, 15 January 2012

Welcome to the new blog...

Well a new year and a new makeover for my horror blog....first of all I hope you like the title, it's a random selection of words that when generated will make you concentrate your mind on horror!! The words zonacrypt do have a rather bloodthirsty rhythm and can give me direction in my ramblings over the next few months...and months...on into the misty future. I have spent a rather frustrating evening attempting to use book tokens to the value of £20 online and by doing a google search it would appear that  will allow you to use the said tokens....wrong!!...yes you can use but with strict guidelines, if I spend over the £20 amount then the discount is not passed on to me...why waste my time searching for books and promising good things...when it just does not happen...anyway enough moaning :)) I am reading at present a fantastic horror story called....

and is everything that good horror should be...scary..and I will do a full review when completed which should be soon. This was recommend as one of the great discoveries of 2011 by the Ginger Nuts Of Horror and you can see the full Ginger Nuts review here

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