Set in small town America with a style and feel similar to John Grisham. Vincent King is released after 30 years incarceration for the killing of the sister of his then girlfriend Star. He could have served less but in a self sacrificial bid to punish himelf (Sissy was the victim of a road accident, with Vincent the driver) he elects to remain inside for the term. Meanwhile Star leads a unenviable life, singing in the local bar and selling personal services to cash ready punters. Her two children Duchess and Robin must show early responsibility and Duchess is always looking after her younger sibling. The local arm of the law the depressive Chief Walker (known as Walt to his friends, and himself suffering an unknown illness) feels it is duty to watch over Star. He believes deep down that Vincent is a good man (perhaps someone could tell Vince!) An unexpected event occurs that gives rise to suspicion and hate, and the world of Duchess and Robin is altered dramatically. I found little to enjoy in this book, with sadness and hopelessness on every page apart fom an isolated happy moment at the end.....I almost gave up in dispair......I think i'll stick to Mr Grisham in future!
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